We take the Industrial Revolution 4.0 approach to help you define all the building blocks required to convert your ideas into a viable business proposition. We focus on capitalising on IR4.0 to enable you to create a business that is relevant and meet your customer needs, agile and responsive and, productive and efficient.
Business Model
Set the blueprint for how your business will make money
Your business model is the structural foundation for how you make your money. From your business idea, we will construct the building blocks on what are your value propositions, who are your customers, how will you deliver your value propositions to your customers, what are your costs structures and how will you make your money. We will use these building blocks to outline how you will run your business and how you will make your money. As a business blueprint, you can take this business model to develop your business plan, operationalise your business and use it as one-page visualisation of what your business is all about.
Business Plan
Stay focus and, tell your financiers you are focused with your business plan
Your business plan sets out the plan and flow of how you will operationalise your business model. For your benefit, your business plan will give your idea the structure and substance for you to test the feasibility of your idea, pivot your idea and fine tune your idea before making it a reality. Your will also need to tell the story of your business to your various stakeholders. We will help you write a business plan that tells the story of what your business is, what are your business goals and how you will achieve these business goals.
Financial Model
Measure and forecast your business performance
Financial modelling of your business plan is the critical piece in the journey to make your idea into reality. Using your business model as the backbone to build your revenue and cost structure, we build a flexible and dynamic sets of financials based on various several key variables and scenarios. The variables will allow you to evaluate the chain reaction of key variables on your business’ financials and adjust as needed. The scenarios simulations will allow you to evaluate the impact to your business’ financials should there be changes in key external factors affecting your business and help you in decision-making and risks analysis. If you are seeking business financing, in addition to developing your financial model,
Pricing Strategy
Price your products to bring in the money and to profit
Consumers are savvy about the price they pay for products and services. The main challenge in pricing is to find the sweet spot between what a customer is willing to pay and for your business to profit. It is also vital that your product is price at optimum so that you do not leave any money on the table. To price your product, we use various pricing methodology, depending on your product, the market your business is in and who are your target customers, to find the optimal pricing. Depending on which stage your product is at, we will put in place for you a pricing strategy that sets out the road map for pricing your product from start, reacting to competition dynamics and eventually for price change or phasing out if necessary.
Market strategy
Reaching out to your target customers
The marketing of your products to your customers starts even before your products go live. The right content, tone, timing and medium will get your products to the customers your target. We develop marketing strategy that will help you plan when to start reaching out to your customers and when to start the crescendo of reaching out, what are the contents at each stage of communication, the tone of the contents and, what are the different medium of communication to use and when to use the different mediums.
Business Process
Efficient processes translate to productivity and costs savings
How you set up your business processes are vital in determining how much revenue you can generate and how much your costs will be. By using your business model or analysing your business workflow, we can help you develop or re-engineer your vital business processes to achieve higher productivity and costs savings. For business process re-engineering that will impact your key stakeholders and / or customers, we will include the change management process to ensure smooth implementation of the re-engineered business process.
Change Management
Change is the only constant
Your customers and your key stakeholders are creatures of habit. There may be a need for you to make changes to your product or how you service your customers. Managing and getting your customers to accept such changes without adversely affecting their consumption behaviour are critical. Similarly, changes that affect your stakeholders will also create a reaction which can adversely impact how they transact with you. In managing changes, we evaluate what are the impact and extent of such impacts to your customers or stakeholders, and what are the potential resistance. We will then put in place a change management plan that would include communication contents, timing of such communications, manage the resistance and monitor the impact post implementation.